Taking a First Look:
Let’s examine the stress-strain diagram shown in Figure 1. Notice that this chart is an arithmetic one.
That means that the length of any increment along either the X-axis (the horizontal one) or the Y-axis
(the vertical one) will be the same as the length of any other increment along the same axis. This is
important to us because it means we can use simple arithmetic to find the mathematical relationships
we need between any two points on the chart.
The vertical or Y-axis of the chart (ordinate) represents the load or force applied to the specimen, with
the full height of the Y-axis equaling the capacity of the load range employed.
The horizontal or X-axis (abscissa) represents the strain (elongation or compression of the specimen
under load). Tinius Olsen strain measuring instruments automatically record strain in fundamental
inches per inch (in./in.) units regardless of the gauge length. For example, using an LS-4%-2A (S-
1000-2A) extensometer, a setting of “B” (500x or 2%) on the magnification or range selector will
produce a magnification of 500x, as shown in Figure 1. This means that each inch of chart on the Xaxis
represents 0.2% (0.002 in./in.) of specimen elongation or extension.
Referring to Figure 1, notice that the load-elongation (stress-strain) curve starts at the lower left as a
straight line. This is because the load increases in direct proportion to the extension of the specimen
during the initial part of the test.
The highest point attained before the line begins to curve is called the Proportional Limit, which is the
maximum point at which extension remains proportional to load (Hooke’s Law). Past this point, the
proportional relationship between load and extension begins to increase more rapidly than load,
thereby producing a curve.
As explained on page 3, the initial straight-line portion of the diagram is used to calculate the Modulus
of the material, and one or more points along the curve are plotted to determine the Yield Strength at
designated of Offset or Extension Under Load (EUL).
In brief, a stress-strain diagram will help you determine: Modulus of Elasticity, Elastic Deformation,
Yield Strength, Proportional Limit, Proof Stress, Uniform Elongation, Total Elongation, Yield Point
Elongation and n-Value.
In addition, stress-strain diagrams can be used to calculate hysteresis (permanently absorbed or lost
energy that occurs during any cycle of loading or unloading when a material is subjected to repeated
loading, e.g. cycling tests in which load is remove before the specimen fails).
Steps in Interpreting a Stress-Strain Curve:
1. Using a sharp pencil and a ruler, carefully draw a straight line through as much of the straight
portion of the curve as possible, extending it from the bottom of the chart (Line A-B in Figure 2).
This straight line is referred to as the Modulus Line, from which the Modulus of Elasticity will be
calculated for the material tested.
The intersection of the lower end of this drawn line with the Y-axis is the true origin of the curve,
regardless of where the actual stress-strain curve begins. If proper care has been taken in the
operation of the recorder and instrument, the drawn line should intersect at the same point of origin
as the recorder-produced line.
2. Mark off the fundamental units of strain in inches per inch along the abscissa from the point of
origin. If not known, the value of each inch of chart for the instrument measuring range used can be
obtained from the appropriate instrumentation table furnished with the extensometer, or listed in the
bulletin on Tinius Olsen strain instrumentation (currently Bulletin 96).
If the “B” or 500x range of an LS-4%-2A (S-1000-2A) extensometer is used, each inch of chart will
represent 0.2% (0.002 in./in.) of strain, and should be noted on the chart paper.
3. Since load on the Y-axis is expressed in pounds, a specimen of any cross-sectional area can be
tested within the limits of the equipment. In order to make the necessary computations, the
pertinent loads must be converted into pounds per square inch (psi or stress) by dividing the load
by the cross-sectional area.
Determining Yield Strengths
1. The Offset Method: The offset is the horizontal distance between the modulus line and any line
running parallel to it. For example, the line C-D in Figure 2 is “offset” from the modulus line by 0.2%
(0.002 in./in.).
The value of the offset for a given material is usually expressed this way: Yield Strength, 0.1% or
0.2% Offset. What this means is that a certain percentage of the set equals a certain percentage
of the fundamental extension units. For example, “0.2% Offset” means 0.2% of the fundamental
extension units of inches per inch, or 0.002 in./in.
Starting at the origin of the curve, measure off a distance equal to 0.002 in./in. along the X-axis.
Now using that as the origin, draw a line (C-D) parallel to the modulus line. Notice that the line C-D
intersects the stress-strain curve at a certain point (Y in Figure 2). The ordinate of this point (the
amount of stress in psi) is the Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset.
You can use the same method to determine the yield strength at a 0.1% offset by noting the
intersection of the curve and a line drawn parallel to the modulus line with an offset of 0.001 in./in.
2. The Extension Under Load Method: This method involves drawing an ordinate line (that is, a
completely vertical line) from the point on the X-axis where the elongation equals the specified
extension, e.g. Yield Strength = 0.5% Extension.
To make this determination, locate the point on the abscissa, which is equal to 0.5% (0.005 in./in.)
of extension from the origin of the curve (E in Figure 2). Draw an ordinate line (E-F) from this point
up through the curve. Convert the load value of this point into psi. The stress value is the Yield
Strength at 0.5% (0.005 in./in.) Extension Under Load.
In some cases, the yield strength may be given in other than strain fundamental units, e.g. Yield
Strength = 0.1 in. / 2 in. Extension. In such cases, the limiting extension must first be converted into
fundamental strain units (in./in.) A limiting extension of 0.01 in with a 2 in gauge length is equal to
0.005 in./in. extension.
Young’s Modulus of Elasticity:
The modulus of elasticity (Young’s Modulus) is the ratio of stress in pounds per square inch (psi) to
strain in inches per inch (in./in.) as computed from the modulus line (A-B).
Modulus (psi) = Stress (psi)/ Strain (in./in.)