Bauschinger Effect:
The Bauschinger effect (BE) can be observed during tension-compression conditions and is
associated with a decrease of the yield stress when the loading direction is reversed (Fig. 1). Such
behaviour may have different origins: for instance, if due to residual macroscopic stresses, it is
not a true Bauschinger effect. Macroscopic residual stresses may result from heat treatment or
from cold work during manufacture.
Two other causes exist. One of them, the principal cause, is related to the dislocation
structure in the work-hardened metal. As deformation occurs, the dislocations accumulate at
barriers (precipitates, grain boundaries) and form dislocation pile-ups and tangles. Two types of
mechanisms are used to explain BE. First, local back stresses, which oppose the applied stress on
the slip plane, are produced by dislocations pile-ups on slip planes at barriers (pile-up of
dislocations at grain boundaries and Orowan loops around strong precipitates). Back stresses
assist the movement of dislocations in the reverse direction due to their favourable orientation to
the stress axis. Thus, the dislocations can move easily in the reverse direction and the yield
strength of the metal is lowered. Secondly, when the slip direction is reversed, dislocations of
opposite sign may be created at the same source that produced the slip-causing dislocations in the
initial direction. Since dislocations of opposite sign attract and annihilate each other, the net
effect is a further softening of the lattice.
The other cause, known as “composite effect”, is due to zones of different yield
strength inside the material, on a microscopic scale. This case is sometimes referred to as a
pseudo-Bauschinger effect. The Masing or generalized Saint-Venant model describes this
behaviour. Figure 2 shows a rheological model for two phases differing by their flow stress.
Figure shows the resulting behaviour:
Stress-strain curve demonstrating a Bauschinger effect. After load inversion, plastic
deformation sets in at a lower stress (in absolute values) in compression than during the previous
load cycle (stress at the reversal point).
Figure Rheological model of the Masing or generalized Saint-Venant model, for two phases
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